Houston Erb’s Palsy Attorney
The arrival of a newborn should be a time of immense joy and celebration. But for families whose babies suffer Erb’s Palsy due to medical negligence during childbirth, those first moments can be overshadowed by fear and uncertainty.
At The Brothers Law Firm, we understand the complex emotions parents experience when a birth injury occurs. We recognize the challenges you face as you navigate your child’s medical needs and grapple with the long-term implications of Erb’s Palsy.
Call (903) 829-3877 to schedule an appointment with an Erb’s palsy attorney in Houston today.
What Is Erb’s Palsy?
Erb’s palsy is a type of brachial plexus injury that affects the nerves controlling arm and shoulder movement. It occurs when these nerves are stretched, compressed, or torn, often during a difficult childbirth.
This can lead to:
- Weakness or paralysis: The affected arm may be weak, paralyzed, or have a limited range of motion.
- Loss of sensation: Your child may experience numbness or decreased feeling in the arm and hand.
- Developmental delays: Erb’s Palsy can affect fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.
While some children recover from Erb’s Palsy with minimal lasting effects, others experience lifelong challenges. Early intervention and appropriate medical care are crucial.
What Causes Erb’s Palsy
Erb’s palsy often results from avoidable complications during childbirth. While some force is sometimes necessary in deliveries, excessive force or improper techniques can have devastating consequences.
Here are some common instances of medical negligence that can lead to Erb’s Palsy:
- Shoulder dystocia: This occurs when the baby’s shoulder becomes stuck behind the mother’s pubic bone. If the physician applies excessive force to dislodge the shoulder, it can injure the brachial plexus nerves.
- Pulling on the baby’s head: Improperly pulling or twisting the baby’s head during delivery can stretch or tear the delicate nerves in the neck.
- Breech delivery: Delivering a baby feet-first (breech) carries a higher risk of Erb’s Palsy. Physicians should carefully assess the risks and consider a Cesarean section in these situations.
- Large birth weight: Babies with a larger birth weight may be more prone to shoulder dystocia and Erb’s Palsy. Doctors should anticipate potential complications and take appropriate precautions.
- Prolonged labor: A long and difficult labor can increase the risk of fetal distress and the need for interventions that may lead to Erb’s Palsy.
It’s important to remember that not all cases of Erb’s Palsy are the result of negligence. However, if you believe your child’s injury was caused by medical malpractice, it’s crucial to seek legal advice. At The Brothers Law Firm, we have the experience and resources to thoroughly investigate your case and determine if negligence played a role.
Dedicated. Experienced. Successful.
“He kept me informed throughout my case and was always available to answer any questions…During this difficult time, he was always compassionate and understanding. I would highly recommend John Brothers.”- J. Kveton
“He ALWAYS represented me fairly and honestly, plus he is a very good at just visiting with you. After a short while i quit worrying about his his legal ability, honesty and integrity as he has no shortcomings in these areas.”- Dick A.
“He is wonderful and get the job done couldn’t ask for better attorney. I will definitely recommend him to all my friends if they need a medical malpractice attorney.”- Amanda S.

In zealously representing our clients, we follow the Golden Rule, providing the same representation to our clients that we would provide to our family. Our goal is to efficiently prosecute our clients’ claims to maximize client recovery, mitigate the financial burden imposed upon our clients’ lives, and to deter similar wrongs from happening to others. One of the ways we aim to stand out from other law firms by the personal service we provide.