Houston Nursing Home Physical Abuse Attorney
The discovery that your loved one has been physically abused in a nursing home can be a deeply upsetting and infuriating experience. At The Brothers Law Firm, we understand this sense of betrayal and are committed to helping you seek justice.
Nursing home residents deserve dignity and respect. When they are subjected to physical abuse, the consequences can be devastating—not just physically, but emotionally. If you suspect your loved one has suffered abuse, it is crucial to take action immediately.
The Brothers Law Firm has been fighting for the rights of nursing home physical abuse victims in Houston and Harris County, TX, since 2018. We have a proven track record of success, recovering over $10 million for our clients.
We understand what you're going through, and we're here to help. Call (903) 829-3877 to schedule a free consultation
Forms of Physical Abuse
Physical abuse in nursing homes takes many forms, all of which are unacceptable. It's important to be aware of the signs so that you can protect your loved one.
Here are some common examples:
- Striking or hitting: This can involve slapping, punching, or any other form of physical assault.
- Pushing and shoving: Even seemingly minor acts like pushing or shoving can cause serious injuries to frail residents.
- Inappropriate use of restraints: Restraints should only be used in very specific circumstances and with proper medical authorization. Misuse of restraints can lead to injuries and emotional distress.
- Overmedication: Administering medication improperly or in excessive doses can have serious physical and cognitive consequences.
- Rough handling: Caregivers who are impatient or inadequately trained may handle residents roughly during transfers, bathing, or dressing, leading to injuries.
- Inflicting burns: Burns can be caused by scalding water, hot objects, or even chemicals.
If you notice signs of physical abuse or if your loved one reports any form of physical abuse, it is crucial to take action. Contact The Brothers Law Firm immediately. We can help you understand your legal options and fight for the justice your loved one deserves.
Dedicated. Experienced. Successful.
“He kept me informed throughout my case and was always available to answer any questions…During this difficult time, he was always compassionate and understanding. I would highly recommend John Brothers.”- J. Kveton
“He ALWAYS represented me fairly and honestly, plus he is a very good at just visiting with you. After a short while i quit worrying about his his legal ability, honesty and integrity as he has no shortcomings in these areas.”- Dick A.
“He is wonderful and get the job done couldn’t ask for better attorney. I will definitely recommend him to all my friends if they need a medical malpractice attorney.”- Amanda S.

In zealously representing our clients, we follow the Golden Rule, providing the same representation to our clients that we would provide to our family. Our goal is to efficiently prosecute our clients’ claims to maximize client recovery, mitigate the financial burden imposed upon our clients’ lives, and to deter similar wrongs from happening to others. One of the ways we aim to stand out from other law firms by the personal service we provide.