Houston Shoulder Dystocia Attorney
Shoulder dystocia is a serious birth complication that can have lasting consequences for both mother and child. If your child experienced a brachial plexus injury, such as Erb's palsy, or any other birth injury due to shoulder dystocia, it's crucial to understand your legal options.
At The Brothers Law Firm, we have extensive experience representing families in Houston and Harris County, TX, whose children have suffered birth injuries due to medical negligence. We are dedicated to providing compassionate legal guidance and unwavering support as you navigate this difficult time.
Call (903) 829-3877 today to schedule a free consultation with a Houston should dystocia attorney today.
What Is Shoulder Dystocia?
Shoulder dystocia is a frightening and unexpected birth complication that can have devastating consequences for both mother and baby. It occurs when the baby's shoulder becomes lodged behind the mother's pubic bone after the head is delivered. This can lead to a frantic and urgent situation in the delivery room as medical professionals work to free the baby.
While shoulder dystocia can happen even with the best medical care, there are times when medical negligence plays a role. Failing to recognize risk factors, delaying appropriate interventions, or using excessive force during delivery can all contribute to serious birth injuries. These injuries can include brachial plexus injuries, such as Erb's palsy, which can cause permanent nerve damage and affect the baby's ability to use their arm and hand.
Signs of Shoulder Dystocia
While shoulder dystocia often happens quickly and unexpectedly, certain signs may indicate an increased risk.
These include:
- Slow progress during labor: If the baby's descent through the birth canal slows or stops, it could signal a potential problem.
- "Turtle sign": This refers to the baby's head emerging from the birth canal and then retracting back against the perineum, resembling a turtle pulling its head into its shell. This is a strong indication that the shoulder may be stuck.
- Difficulty delivering the baby's shoulders: If the delivering physician encounters significant resistance when trying to deliver the baby's shoulders, it could signify shoulder dystocia.
It's important to remember that these signs don't always mean shoulder dystocia will occur, and sometimes, the condition arises without any warning signs. However, medical professionals should be vigilant in monitoring these signs and be prepared to respond quickly and effectively if shoulder dystocia occurs.
Call us at (903) 829-3877 or contact us online to schedule your free consultation with a Houston shoulder dystocia lawyer and learn how we can help you fight for your child's future.
Dedicated. Experienced. Successful.
“He kept me informed throughout my case and was always available to answer any questions…During this difficult time, he was always compassionate and understanding. I would highly recommend John Brothers.”- J. Kveton
“He ALWAYS represented me fairly and honestly, plus he is a very good at just visiting with you. After a short while i quit worrying about his his legal ability, honesty and integrity as he has no shortcomings in these areas.”- Dick A.
“He is wonderful and get the job done couldn’t ask for better attorney. I will definitely recommend him to all my friends if they need a medical malpractice attorney.”- Amanda S.

In zealously representing our clients, we follow the Golden Rule, providing the same representation to our clients that we would provide to our family. Our goal is to efficiently prosecute our clients’ claims to maximize client recovery, mitigate the financial burden imposed upon our clients’ lives, and to deter similar wrongs from happening to others. One of the ways we aim to stand out from other law firms by the personal service we provide.